Gemeinhardt Flute Serial Number


  1. Gemeinhardt Flute Serial Number 609328
Gemeinhardt Flute Serial Number

How do I tell what model Gemeinhardt flute I have? Update Cancel. A d b y A h a! What is a marketing plan? Build and share visual marketing plans in minutes. It should say on the barrel of the flute the Serial # and the model #. 1.5k Views View 1 Upvoter. Related QuestionsMore Answers Below.

Gemeinhardt Flute Serial Number 609328

(3 points)

I´m so happy with all your wonderful answers!! The way you describe how to make a particular sound is great. I never heard of that before. And it seems so be the only method that is reliable. If you had not answered me, I would still be stuck.
Recently I met the German product manager of Azumi flutes. He told me my Gemeinhardt probably has a distorted headjoint and therefore it is quite difficult to play at the high octaves. I did not really know if it would be good to let it be repaired, as it also has mechanical problems. I did not know how much the flute is worth and if it is profitable to let it be reapaired. So I also thank you for telling me about the worth of these kind of Gemeinhardt flutes!
I decided to buy a new flute. And I was absolutely amazed by the Azumi AZ1000E. I can´t stop playing it :-) I am still sad because my Gemeinhardt is in no good condition, but I will not sell it! It has a wonderful sound and for that reason I will consider a repair someday.
I can highly recommend this Azumi AZ1000e flute to you. It is not that expensive, but the sound is great and it is really easy to play.
Gemeinhardt mentioned that you cannot find every serial number on that list, as some serial numerbers got lost. I am very sorry for those of you who could not find their flutes in that list! That´s frustrating! Maybe you are luckier than me with sending an e mail to Gemeinhardt and getting an answer!
Wishing you all the best, and kind regards!! :-)